Saturday, September 5, 2009

Heroine story

A.I. . : Since when you play 9D?
Heroine: 2007, summer.
A.I. : What you like at this game?
Heroine : The graphics, the game story, animation.
A.I. : How many characters , roles you played till now?
Heroine : Very different characters over 10, I played all the roles, less healer. I had only a healer but low level. In particular hybrid and nuker, I played more.
A.I. : 9Dragons forum is a place where you can tell freely your view?
Heroine : You can tell only if the view is good, but if it is bad, the moderators will find an excuse, sometimes ridiculous, not listed in the Rules of Conduct just to close or delete your topic. Moderators of the forum should be changed to some adults who know what responsibilities are.
A.I. : What considers that must be changed in the game?
Heroine : In the game ... should equal the balance in PvP.
A.I. : How are you in real life, what you do, what thoughts you have?
Heroine : I am like any human, I have responsibilities, not staying all day without doing nothing. I don't have a job yet because I am a student, but I hope once I graduate, I will not be like other "no-lifers" who spend 50 + hours per week in front of computer.
A.I. : In the game you meet many players, so how do you see the community? What do you think they have in common?
Heroine : In my opinion they are 2-3 ways for players. "High greedy rich people" and "friendly persons, which are trying to help the community" .The Community has 1 thing in common: they are disappointed by events and the way Acclaim doing the 'things', which makes them crazy, like Asura server rollback for example.
A.I. : What do you think of GM's?
Heroine : GM's ... are people busy, so they say, rarely a GM enter the game, such as for example _Ravenclaw_ did : add mobs on maps and make some events for community. But ... one thing I do not like at GM's : they don't punish much the bug abusers, nuker spot abusers and macro users. They should enter a lot in game, because people called "VGM" are volunteers and they can only report players. VGM's are not very active also, so 9Dragons should be visited every day by a GM, or even once every 2 days.
A.I. : What do you think of Games Managers?
Heroine : From the 2 games managers (TheHistorian and BluFlash), I think BluFlash don't do anything, just announce shameless promotions on weekends and he TheHistorian .... is too busy with other games, eg. 2moons, Dance! Online, and the rest of Acclaim Games.
A.I. : How you characterize your main character?
Heroine : The main character is the one that I play offen, not the higher level, and I would say, I like to help the community with advices, help with dungeons, gold, items, and my character is very loyal to my league.
A.I. : What do you think 9Dragons has the best ?
Heroine : Dungeons (love graphics in Tower Beast), many bosses, but most importantly the community.
A.I. : If you were for one day Historian what you would do for 9Dragons?
Heroine :I would monitor 9Dragons with invisible mode, spammers, nuker spot exploiters. I would permanently ban the characters and IP (Internet Protocol).I would organize events, to please the community, for those of low level, not just for higher levels. Everything just to make happy the community.
A.I. : Do you play something else besides 9D?
Heroine : FPS(First Person Shooters), in general.
A.I. : Finally, share some personal thoughts with us.
Heroine :Think twice before making a mistake , threating a friend or scamming. Also think wise , because you never know what can you lose. Be nice to the community and try to help as much as you can.
Think twice before making a mistake , threating a friend or scamming. Also think wise , because you never know what can you lose.
Be nice to the community, try to help as much as you can , and the most important : "BluFlash sucks" =D
Heroine ss :

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