A.I.: How did you start playing 9Dragons ? Why you like this game?
Xiriu : Well it was beginning of 2007, february to be exactly. I was on vacations and pretty bored trying to find something to do. So i joined on a mmorpg forum and found this "9 Dragons"... As I enjoy martial arts I tried it and enjoyed.I confess I started to enjoy even more when i made my nuker!Even before 9D I played "The 4th Coming" for about 8 years so I always enjoyed MMORPGS.
Xiriu : Well it was beginning of 2007, february to be exactly. I was on vacations and pretty bored trying to find something to do. So i joined on a mmorpg forum and found this "9 Dragons"... As I enjoy martial arts I tried it and enjoyed.I confess I started to enjoy even more when i made my nuker!Even before 9D I played "The 4th Coming" for about 8 years so I always enjoyed MMORPGS.
A.I. : Do you keep in touch with your friend in 9Dragons? How many have you made?
Xiriu : I'm not sure about that but i made a bunch. Yes I keep in touch with them through msn, skype, teamspeak and sometimes on other games.
A.I. : What is your character like ?
Xiriu : I always try to help others as much as i can and on everything i make i always try to be the "best" aswell.
A.I. : What do you think about 9Dragons managemnet?
Xiriu : I think they have good intentions but they take too much time to fix the problems. Only item mall issues are solved in the light speed.Anyways I don't think it's only acclaim's fault probably Indy21 also don't care much about Acclaim issues. Once I was banned just because I talked to kor-sin... It's like "tell me with who you walk and I tell you who you are" ... It was a permanent ban but they found out that they were dumb so they gave me back my account.
A.I. : Hmm...9Dragons in year 2007 was better than it is now?
Xiriu : I don't think it was that better but it was more fun for sure. We were all trying to discover things in game and no one level cap. We had many fun wars back in 2007 that i'm sure we will never have again. Some people call it by "Dragons time".
A.I. : What was your funny and tragic moment in 9Dragons like?
Xiriu : Funny moment for sure was once when we lost General Wei control, so me and Nonis were always there to ks and pk. On a dark night i woke up and noticed it was Wei time, so i tried to log in to check. Guess what "error code=-1" was on. I was like GRRRRRRRR I will miss this wei. When i finally logged in, Wei was dieing, so i killed the finisher when Wei was 2%. Then the noobs there killed wei and the drops(WBs dmg female and 10 BEs) were on the floor because the nb which had the best damage was died and i bet he didn't have pancakes. Then they started to attack me and I kept trying to take the drops.So I succeded, iItook the drops and logged off... I was laughing so much uaheuaheuaehu. Those WBs Igave to Nonis as he was my partner on wei ks/pk raids.
The tragic moment was when I received the message from my friend "Fyoda", my first brazilian friend in 9D. He was with bones cancer. Anyways he already went under surgery and he is better now. Honestly i didn't know what to tell him when he told me that...
A.I. : What about your real life?
Xiriu : I consider my life very nice. I live with my parents and i have a brother, sister and nephew that live with me aswell... I'm a good person and I always helped people around me, not only relatives. I already helped in many social projects as a volunteer. I was doing mechatronics engineering in Brazil (would graduate in the middle of next year) and working on IBM but now I won a scholarship to study in "Politecnico di Torino" so I will continue my university there (starting now in 14th September).
A.I. : 9Dragons did change anyhow your real life?
Xiriu : Not at all... It's just a hobby when I got nothing to do. Anyways I gotta confess it sometimes help me to keep motivated, can't explain well but it does. Even more when we are at war for some goal like Wei for example.
A.I. : What you think about 9Dragons forum? You visit it offen? It worth to spend time there?
Xiriu : It's very helpeful. I visit it almost everyday. It does worth because veteran's people help out the new people so much.
A.I. : If you would meet TheHistorian what would you tell him about 9Dragons official team?
Xiriu : Well, they have good people on 9Dragons official team but it's like 10% only. I would tell him to find more "good intentioned" people to their team.
A.I. : You had a warrior, but now you play nuker, why? How are nukers in our days?
Xiriu : I found out that nukers were a good class and that i would have more success as a nuker. I can say that with all those new ornaments and items it's more balanced but still nukers are better to play with than warrior i guess and also better at pvp (if same level ofc).
A.I. : What is your opinion on mall prices. Are they high for you? What you buy from mall?
Xiriu : Yes, they are very high for me, these xp cards was "the idea" on Acclaim business I guess they are earning a lot with them. I buy usually premium,deco,trigrams and xp cards.
A.I. : Tell me about yourself, Xiriu.
Xiriu : A good guy and humble which is always trying to find something new to make the world and our lifes better. That's why i decided to do engineering aswell.
A.I. : Now you play AION and little 9D ? In september what you will choose?
Xiriu : In september I will probably be so busy with university stuff that i will choose none... I don't know yet how hard or easy it will be in Italy.So I would rather to answer to this question later. But I can say that AION is much, much better than 9D.
A.I. : You was the Submaster of STORM RIDERS, how was it?
Xiriu : It was very nice. I had so much fun and i could learn so much been in SR. It was a very hard and sad decision for me to give up from it but I don't have so much time as I used to have, so I thought it would be better to SR have someone more active as a BM that's why I passed it.
A.I. : What would you share with the others leaders? What you think a leader has to have to lead a band?
Xiriu : First of all you need patience to deal with all the problems... A good leader should always look forward and think positive, even if the scenary sometimes don't look so good.
A.I. : Did you find any virtual love in 9D ? What do you belive about this concept?
Xiriu : Oh well, yes I did. I don't need to tell who I guess hehehee. I like to be realistic, in the beginning I always told her that we should decide our "future"after we meet on real life.
A.I. : What was your favourite moment with your band members?
Xiriu : For sure it was after SR lost nanchang fortress, so we went to fight in Hengzhou on Sunday and we won. I can't describe but I felt so much pride and happy.It tasted even better because in the morning some noobs(enemies) were flaming SR and tran was trying to answer, I told him to wait the HZ SvS and let noobs talk bullshit. So we showed them how good we can be.
A.I. : What do you share in common with them?
Xiriu : First we are all baldies hehehe(joke). Well i think mostly SR people consists on good and well intentioned people. As some people say we built a family together, not only a bunch of virtual friends.
A.I. : When you think the game stops and the real life beginn?
Xiriu : Well first i think we need to dedicate our time to make our "real life" good as we would like to. Then if you still have some spare time then you can go have fun in game. As everyone always say "real life comes first"...
A.I. : From your experience, what would you share with the others players?
Xiriu : Whatever happend or happens in your life always be honest. Sometimes seems that honest people are always behind but trust me the honest path brings more happiness in the end. So that's it for now!
A.I. Thanks for your time and patience.
Xiriu screens :
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